Dr. Manoj Saxena, Associate Professor in Electronics
Dr. Neeraj Tyagi, Associate Professor in Electronics
Dr. Yogieta Mehra, Assistant Professor in Management Studies
Dr. Mahaveer Genwa, Assistant Professor in Chemistry
Dr. Ravinder Kaur, Associate Professor in Electronics
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pant, Associate Professor in Mathematics
Dr. Ratnesh Saxena, Associate Professor in Mathematics
Dr. Sanjay Pant, Associate Professor in Mathematics
Dr. Arpita Sharma, Associate Professor in Computer Science
Under the supervision of Dr Hem Chand Jain, Associate Professor in Commerce one student (Ms Punam Sachdeva) submitted her Ph.D Thesis in Singhania University.
Mr. Veer Singh, student under the supervision of Dr. Mahaveer, Assistant Professor in Chemistry has been awarded a Ph.D degree by JJT University