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Date Of Join
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Address |
E - 114, Ashok Vihar, Phase - I, Delhi - 110 052
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Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) Economics
University of Delhi
M. Phil
University of Delhi
University of Delhi
University of Delhi
Career Profile
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi since April, 2009.
Lecturer, Department of Business Economics, SGGS College of Commerce, University of Delhi (1998-2009).
Senior Manager (Research) at Schematic Finance Ltd, 1995 – 98
Guest Lecturer at Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi (2012,2013), Department of Commerce, University of Delhi (2011).
Guest Lecturer for PGDIM Course at SGGS College of Commerce (2010 and 2018).
Guest Lector at Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (PGDBM Course)
Administrative Assignments
Teacher Incharge, Department of Management Studies
Admission Committee
Time Table Committee
MoE IIC DDUC Chapter
Teacher In Charge, Department of Management Studies
Admission Committee
Annual Report Committee
Convenor ,Task Force – College Reopening
Member, Time Table Committee
Attendance Committee
Proctorial Committee
Campus Maintenance Committee
MHRD – Institution Innovation Council
Proctorial Board
Attendance Committee
Campus Maintenance
Discipline Resource Committee
MUN Club
Dramatics Society “Yavanika”
College Career and Placement Cell
VOICES - Debating Society
MUN Club
Stock Verification Committee
Admission Committee
VOICES - Debating Society
Gender Sensitising Committee
Finance Club
Annual Inter College Festival “Kalrav”
Website Maintenance Committee
Finance Club
Annual Inter College Festival “Kalrav”
Convenor, Finance Club
Website Maintenance Committee
Finance Club
Proctorial Board
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Finance , Risk Management in Banks, Economics
Subjects Taught
Project Appraisal
Investment Banking and Financial services
Financial Institutions and Markets
Research Guidance
S.No. |
Title |
Candidate's Name and Affiliation |
Year |
1. |
Employees Perception of Risk management in Indian Banks |
Ms. Mansi Bansal, Research scholar, UGC - NET
(Joint Supervisor)
Department of Business Economics
University of Delhi South Campus
2018 |
Awarded |
2. |
Impact of Finacial Crisis on Venture Capital Industry in India |
Mr. Vinny Arora, UGC - NET
Department of Commerce
University of Delhi
2019 |
On-Going |
Publications Profile
Books Authored
1. Agrawal, Rashmi and Mehra, Yogieta S (2017) – Project Appraisal and Management ISBN - .Taxmann Publications , New Delhi
2. Mehra, Yogieta S (2012) - Operational Risk Management in Banks ISBN - S B Publications, New Delhi
Books Edited
Emerging Issues in Marketing & HR in current corporate scenario (2017), Falguni Publisher & Distributor, Ghaziabad, India
Proceedings of National Seminar on contemporary strategies for sustainable development (2017), Falguni Publisher & Distributor, Ghaziabad, India
Emerging Trends in Business & Management (2015), Anamika Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, India
Emerging Issues in International Trade and Finance in Post Recession period (2014), Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi, India
Papers Published
Mehra,Y,S., Bansal, M. and Kumar, P. (2021). Tourism Sector: Identification of Variables to Boost Tourism in the Long Run, Review of International Geographical Education(RIGEO),11(5),2887-2897.doi:10.48047/rigeo.11.05.184
Bansal Monika and Mehra Yogieta, (2021). E-Learning Market for Edtech Start-ups after Covid-19 in India. Administrative Development ’A Journal of HIPA, Shimla’. 8, SI-1 (Oct. 2021), 271-296. DOI: 01.16.
Mehra Y S , Bansal M. Bansal and Kumar P. (2021). The Start Up Scenario: A Comparative Study Between United States of America & India. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue on Recent Research Trends in Management, Science and Technology), ISSN: 2319-4979, 1835-1844.
Kaur Kajleen and Mehra Yogieta S (2018). Monetary Policy in India during crisis : impact on inflation. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, ISSN : 2320-9828, 6(9), 1-16.
Tandon Deepak and Mehra Yogieta S (2017) Impact of Ownership and Size on Operational Risk Management Practices : A Study of Banks in India. Global Business Review. ISSN : 0972-1509, 18(3), pp.1-16.
Mehra Yogieta (2017). Study of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Developed and Developing Countries. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management. ISSN : 2249-7323. 7(5). 1-18
Mehra Yogieta (2017). Awareness of Risk Management Practices System in Indian Commercial Banks- A perception based analysis. Asian Journal of Research in Business and Finance. ISSN : 2249-7323. 7(5) 1-12.
Mehra Yogieta (2016). Economic Growth and Financial Development : A comparative study of India and Singapore. International Journal in Management and Social Science. ISSN : 2321 – 1784. 4(3). 106-117.
Tandon Deepak, Mehra Yogieta S and Bansal Mansi. (2015). Risk Management Practices of Indian Banks: A Survey based Study. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(6), 118-130.
Kaur Kajleen, Mehra Yogieta S and Kaur Jasmit (2015). Effectiveness of Monetary policy in controlling Inflation. Journal of Business Thought, ISSN : 2231-1734, Vol.5, 59.
Aggarwal Suresh and Mehra Yogieta S (2013). Financial Development and Economic Growth : Evidence from India. Prajnan : Journal of Social and Management Sciences, ISSN : 0970-8448, XL (3), 167-192.
Mehra Yogieta S (2012). Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks - Issues and Challenges. Indian Journal of Economics and Business. ISSN : 0972-5784, 11, 25-40.
Mehra Yogieta S (2011). Operational Risk Management : A study of practices in Indian Banks. Prajnan - Journal of Social and Management Sciences. ISSN : 0970-8448. XL No. 3. 167-1
Mehra Yogieta S and Agrawal Rashmi (2011) Operational Risk Management : A survey of systems, strategies and preparedness of Indian Banks. Indian Journal of Finance. ISSN : 0973-8711. 5(5) . 32-42.
Mehra Yogieta S (2010) Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks : Evaluation of applicability of the RCSA method under Advanced Measurement Approach. Indian Journal of Finance. ISSN : 0973-8711. 4(11) . 3-13.
Mehra Yogieta S, Agrawal Rashmi and Gupta P.K.(2008) Scorecard Approach to Operational Risk Management in India . Journal of Business and Finance. ISSN : 0973-8711. 1. 39
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)
Papers Presented / Invited talk
Presented a paper titled ,’Venture Capital and Covid-19: assessing the impact of the pandemic on Entrepreneurial Finance in India’ at International Izmir Economics Congress from September 11-12, 2021.
Presented a Paper titled “E-Learning Market for EDTECH Statrt-ups after COVID-19 in India” at International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICAMTSD21) organized by H. P. Institute of Public Administration, Govt. of H. P. on 4-5 September 2021 (ONLINE)
Delivered a talk on ‘Angel Investment and Venture Capitalist Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs’ at webinar organized by MoE IIC DDUC Chapter on 22nd July 2021.
Resource Person at FDP on ‘Essentials of Entrepreneurship’ organized by MoE – IIC DDUC Chapter in association with GAD-TLC of SGTB Khalsa College from 30th march to 3rd April 2021. Delivered a session on ‘Funding Options for an Entrepreneur’.
Presented a paper titled, ‘Opportunity or Bane? Studying the Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Venture Capital Industry in India’ at National Conference on Changing Contours of Economy, Society, Business, Media and World Relations in the 21st Century with special reference to Sustainable Development organized by VIPS, Delhi on 27th March 2021
Presented a paper titled, ‘Monetary Policy Impact on Inflation in India’ at ICSSR sponsored XX Annual International Conference on the theme: “Global Vision 2030: Challenges and Opportunities” on January 4-5, 2019 at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, New Delhi organized by the Department of Management Studies in association with Delhi School of Planning and Research Studies, GGS Indraprastha University
Co-chair in ICSSR sponsored XX Annual International Conference on the theme: “Global Vision 2030: Challenges and Opportunities” on January 4-5, 2019 at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, New Delhi organized by the Department of Management Studies in association with Delhi School of Planning and Research Studies, GGS Indraprastha University, in Technical session on ‘Contemporary Issues- Accounting & Finance’
Delivered a Lecture on ‘Contemporary Issues in Banking’ organized by Aryabhatta College on 24th March 2017
Presented a paper titled, ‘ A study of relationship between economic development, financial growth and entrepreneurship’ at India National Conference on 'Emerging Issues in Marketing and HR in current corporate scenario' organised by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College on 8th Nov 2016.
Presented a paper titled, ‘Risk Management Framework of Indian Banks : A Survey based Analysis’ at UGC sponsored National Conference on Emerging Issues in International Trade and Finance in post Recession period organised by Dept of Management Studies, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College on 23rd February 2016.
Presented a paper titled, ‘Risk Management Practices of Banks in India : An analytical study’ at International Conference on Business and Management - shaping the future organised by Department of Management Studies, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College on 6th February 2015.
Presented a paper titled, ‘Controlling Inflation in India : Analysis of effectiveness of Monetary Policy’ at International Conference on 'India 2020: Vision for the Financial Sector organised by SGGS College of Commerce on 3rd November 2014.
Presented a paper titled, ‘Economic Growth and the Challenges of Fiscal Deficit’ in UGC funded State level Seminar organised by Department of Commerce, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi on 7th March 2014.
Presented a paper titled , “Operational Risk Management in Banks : An assessment of implementation of Basel II norms’ in National Conference on Empowering Growth through Corporate Governance and Stability Measures organised by SGGS College of Commerce on 23rd February 2012
Presented a paper titled, ‘Fiscal deficit and Economic Growth : Balancing Challenge for the Indian Economy’ National Conference on Empowering Growth through Corporate Governance and Stability Measures organised by SGGS College of Commerce on 23rd February 2012
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management : Evaluating Indian Bank's ability to use BEICFs for AMA’ at India Finance Conference 2011 organised by IIM Bangalore on on 23rd December 2011
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks : Issues and Challenges’ at 2nd international Conference on Business and Economic Issues organised by Serials Publications on 19th December 2011
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks :Evaluation of Scope of implementing RCSA Approach’ at National Seminar on future of financial markets organised by Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia on 5th September 2011
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks: Impact of ownership and size on range of practices for implementation of Advanced Measurement Approach’ at 13th Annual International Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy at IGIDR, Mumbai on 25th February 2011.
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk: Systems and Strategies in Indian Banks’ as part of PhD Lecture Series at MDI Gurgaon on 8th February 2010.
Presented a research paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management Failures and Global Financial Tsunami’ in Conference organised by ICFAI National School, Noida on 17th January 2009.
Presented a paper titled ‘Operational Risk Management by Indian Banks post Basel II - Implementation and Modelling Issues’ in national seminar organised by University School of Management Studies, GGS Indraprastha University on 28th June 2008.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Principal Investigator of UGC Major Research Project “Risk Management Strategy of Indian Banks : A Comparative study of different category of banks” commenced in December , 2012. Duration of the project : 2 years, Amount Sanctioned : Rs.6,55,000. Project completed and Report Submitted in March 2015.
Awards and Distinctions
Association With Professional Bodies
Secretary, Kautilya Foundation, an NGO associated with spreading Kautilya's teachings and working for the welfare of the society.
Other Activities
Assignment, Notes for Students