Email Id Date Of Join 25/04/1995
Designation Associate Professor Mobile No
Address A-272,Third floor,MEERA BAGH Paschim vihar Delhi-110087
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Educational Qualifications
Degree Institution Year
Ph.D Department of physics and astrophysics, university of delhi 1992
B.Ed. dayalbagh University Agra 1985
M.Sc.(Physics) Hindu college, University Of Delhi 1986
B.Sc(H) Physics Rajdhani college, University of Delhi 1983
Career Profile

Associate Professor-DDU College,University of Delhi-Jan 2006 onwards

Reader/Selection Grade-DDU College,University of Delhi-2003-2006

Senior Lecturer-DDU College,University of Delhi-1998-2003

Lecturer-DDU College,University of Delhi-1994-1998

Administrative Assignments
Served as member of Governing body of the college- 2002-2003 & 2019-20
Served as teacher in-charge of Department of Physics n Electronics. 2008-10

convenor- Students annual festival 2010-11

                 Music Society

                 Dramatics Society
                 Admission committee
                 Technical n purchase committee of department
                 Stock verification of the college
                  Arya Bhatt Science Forum-Physics Society.
Worked as Superintendent of University Examination of Theory n Practical Papers
Member -  Time table committee
                 Lab Development committee
                 Purchase committee of the college
                 Science foundation committee
                 Gender sensitising committee
Areas of Interest / Specialization

To study Effect Of Crystal Anisotropy, Pressure, Fractons, Thermal Phonons & Plasmons on superconductivity in strongly coupled including high temperature superconductors.

Subjects Taught
  1. Modern Physics
  2. Quantum Physics
  3. Thermal Physics
  4. Nuclear Physics
  5. Waves & Optics
  6. Solid State Physics
Research Guidance
Publications Profile

1. Effect of crystal anisotropy on superconductivity in Zinc S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber ,Physica C 160, 545 (1989).

2. Superconductivity in Zinc at high pressure S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber, J.Phys.: Condensed Matter 1,6307 (1989).

3. Effect of fractons in strongly coupled superconductors S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber,Phys.Rev. B 41 ,2619 (1990).

4. Effect of thermal phonons and two dimensional acoustic plasmons on superconductivity in Y Ba2 Cu3 O7 , S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber ,Physica C 167,307 (1990).

5. Effect of anisotropic phonons and planer acoustic plasmons on superconductivity in lanthanum cuprates SP Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber ,Physica. C 168, 647(1990).

6. Effect of plasmons on the critical temperature of lanthanum and yttrium based high temperature supercondutors. S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber, Physica. C 171,147 (1990).

7. Effect of anisotropic phonons on superconductivity  S.P.Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber , Physica C 171,51 (1990).

8. Isotope Effect in Strongly Coupled High Temperature Superconductors in the presence of Electron-Plasmon Interaction  S.P.Tewari , Poonam Silotia and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber, IETE Journal of Research 45, 185 (1999).

9. “Superconducting critical temperature and isotope effect in the presence of electron –phonon, electron-paramagnon and electron-electron interactions in rhodium” Paramjeet Kaur Gumber Bedi Physica C:Superconductivity and its applications,596,1354049 (2022).

10. “Numerical simulations of PbS colloidal quantum dots solar cell with ZnO: PEIE-based electron transport layer”,J Madan,A Khanna ,P K G Bedi, R Gautam and R Pandey, Indian J. Phys.12648, 02354 (2022).

11 “Superconductivity in rhodium” S P Tewari and Paramjeet Kaur Gumber Bedi ,Pramana-J.Phys.96:143 (2022).

12. "Photoanode modified with nanostructures for efficiency enhancement in DSSC:a review", Yogesh kumar, Tushar Chhalodia,Paramjeet Kaur Gumber Bedi,P L Meena ,Carbon Letters (2022)

Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)
International conference on 'Advances in Superconductivity And Its Applications In Microwaves 'December,1998. Department of Physics and Astrophysics , University of Delhi
International Conference on "RECENT ADVANCES IN BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES"( ICRABAS-2021) Organized by faculty of Sciences ,Baba Masthnath University ,Rohtak, ,IQAC, 27-28 August ,2021.
9th National Conference on "Condensed Matter Physics",organised by Department of Physics,Manipal Academy of Higher Education,Manipal,Karnatka,on 16-17 Sept.2021.
29th National conferenceon "Condensed Matter Physics "CMDAYS-2021, Organised by Department of Physics,Central University of Jharkhand,Ranchi on 10-12Dec 2021 
Organised one week National Faculty Development Programme under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching from 30th March to 3rd April 2021.
Undergone Innovation Ambassdor training conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell & AICTE from 30th June to 30th July 2021.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Awards and Distinctions
  1. Award of Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR-1990
  2. Award Of Research Associateship, CSIR-1993
Association With Professional Bodies
  1. Member: Committee of courses of Department Of Physics & Astrophysics, University Of Delhi
  2. Member: Moderation Committee of university examination
  3. Innovation Ambassdor of MoE
Other Activities
  1. Member of campus maintainance committee
  2. Proctorial board of DDUC
  3. Acedemic and development committee
  4. Library committee
  5. Member of falicitation committee for promotion of colleagues
  6. Member of Academic Administrative Audit Committee.
  7. Member of Moderation committee.
Assignment, Notes for Students

B.Sc.(H) Physics- CBCS scheme, university of Delhi

Thermal Physics

Waves & Optics

Last updated on 28 December, 2022