Photograph Name Prof. DEEPAK JAIN
Email Id Date Of Join 24/10/1997
Designation PROFESSOR Mobile No
Address Department of Physics, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Sector-3 Dwarka, India New Delhi 110078, India
Web Page ">
Educational Qualifications
Degree Institution Year
Ph.D. Department of Physics & Astrophysics, Delhi University 2001
Career Profile

Professor-   18 July 2018   -  Present

Associate Professor-   Feb. 2009 - July 2018

Reader:   Feb. 2006 -  Feb 2009

Lecturer-   Oct. 1997



Administrative Assignments

In the past 26 years ,  I have worked as Convener / member of various staff council committtee

Areas of Interest / Specialization

Dark Energy: Theory and Observations, Statistical Methods in Cosmology

Subjects Taught

Atomic &  Molecular Physics,  Waves & Optics, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics,  Electricity &  Magnetism,  Astronomy &  Astrophysics, Science & Life.

Research Guidance

Ph.D.  Supervised :  3

(i) Nisha Rani (  Degree Awraded:  July 2019) Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, Delhi Univ.

Thesis Topic:  Statistical studies of Accelerated Cosmic Expansion


(ii) Akshay Rana (  Degree Awarded : Feb. 2021) Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics , Delhi Univ.

Thesis Topic:  Some Applications of Statistical Tools in  Cosmology


(iii)   Darshan  Kumar ( Degree awarded :  Feb. 2024)  Department of Physics & Astrophysics,  Delhi Univ.

Thesis Topic:  Estimation of Cosmological and Galaxy Parameters using Statistical Methods


(iv)  M.Sc. Disseratation   supervised :  09  (  Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, DU)


Publications Profile


Referee of the following high Impact  International and National Journals:

  1. The Astrophysical Journal
  2. Physics Letters B
  3. Journal of Cosmology and Astro-particle Physics
  4. Monthly Notices in Royal Astronomical society.
  5. Physical Review D
  6. Research in Astronomy & Astrophysics
  7. Pramana- Journal of Physics

Research Profile:

Total Publications ( in Referred Journals) - 50

Total Citations:  > 1900

 h- index: 23


Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)

Resource Person: National Conference  on shedding light on the dark side of the Universe, Hindu College, Delhi Univ. ( Feb. 2020)

Invited Talk: National Workshop on Astronomy, Astrophysics  and Cosmology, St. Stephens College, Delhi Univ. ( Nov 2023)

Invited Talk, Kirori Mal College ( March 2024)

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)

Co- Principal Investigator

Major Research Project :  Models of Dark Energy: Theory & Observations

Funded by:  DST

Status :  Completed

Awards and Distinctions

Distinguished Teacher Award, conferred by University of Delhi (2009)

Meritorious Lecturer Award , conferred by Govt. of NCT Delhi ( 2011)

Association With Professional Bodies

Visiting Associate,  Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune India. ( 2003 - Till date)

Member, International Astronomical Union (IAU), Divison J: Galaxies & cosmology ( 2018- present)

Life Membership,  Indian Association of General Relativity and Gravitation, (IAGRG)

Other Activities
Assignment, Notes for Students

last updated on   21 Sep.  2024