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Assistant Professor
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Room No 14, Ground Floor, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Sector-3, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078
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Educational Qualifications
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
University of Delhi, India
University of Delhi, India
University of Delhi, India
Utkal University,India
Career Profile
Nityananda Agasti received MSc, MPhil and PhD degrees from University of Delhi, India and did MRes from School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK. He has joined this college since July 2014. Before joining this college he has taught in Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, GGSIP University, Delhi, Shivaji College, Motilal Nehru College and Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
He has received Master of Research in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry from School of hemistry, University of Nottingham (UoN), UK.
His research interest is in the field of Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured materials and their applications in the field of catalysis and decontamination of water.
With 18 years of teaching experience he has developed his teaching interest in Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding,Chemistry of d &f block elements, Organometallic Chemistry, Bio-inorganic chemistry.
He is Currently working as Associate Professor at Department of Chemistry.
As a trainer, he has organized various training programs for teachers of higher education from across the country. He is a regular speaker in training programs for teachers at various Universities.
He has a special interest to study the chemistry of ancient materials in India.
Administrative Assignments
Member, Haryana State Higher Education Council for implementation of NEP 2020.
Member, Committee for Centenary Celebration of University of Delhi 2021-22
Member , Committee for Formulation of Courses under UGCF 2022
Member, Governing Body, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College 2022-23.
Member, Research and Development Cell, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College.
Member, Under Graduate Curriculum Revision Committee-2019,University of Delhi for revision of 3500 courses offered by 47 Departments under 68 programmes with the direct involvement of 3392 Resource Persons: 53 Heads of Departments, 410 Teachers as course coordinators, 2121 Teachers as Working Group Members, 133 students and 345 Ex-students under Learning Outcome based Curriculum Framework (LOCF).
Coordinator: Under Graduate Curriculum Revision Committee-2019, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi for the revision of 68 Chemistry courses offered by Department of Chemistry under 6 UG Programmes (B.Sc. Hons. Chemistry, B.Sc. Programme Life Sciences, B.Sc. Programme Physical Sciences, B.Sc. Analytical Chemistry, B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences Agro Chemicals and Pest Management) with direct participation of 120 resource persons.
Member, Committee of Courses, BSc Hons Polymer Science, University of Delhi 2019-21.
Special Invitee, Committee of Courses, Under Graduate Courses (UG) in Chemistry-2019, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.
Special Invitee, Standing Committee on Academic Matters (11 July 2019),University of Delhi.
Special Invitee, Academic Council meeting on 15 & 16 July 2019,University of Delhi.
Coordinator, e-Procurement Training from 7 November 2017 to 8 November 2017 organized for Colleges of University of Delhi, at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, New Delhi-110075 in association with National Informatics Centre (NIC), Govt. of India. Under this initiative Constituent colleges of University of Delhi could start procurement through e-tendering which was pending since past one and half year.
Member, Hostel Committee, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College 2017-18.
Member, Committee for evaluation of Tender for Mess Services in both Boys and Girls Hostel, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College. 2017.
Member, Canteen Committee, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. Prepared the tender document and completed all procedures to Implement e-tendering to hire canteen services.
Member, Committee for allotment of Boys’ & Girls’ Hostels and Residential flats for Teaching and Non-teaching staff, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, 2017.
Convener, Attendance Committee, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, 2017- 18.
Member, Attendance Committee, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, 2018- 19.
Member, Proctorial Board, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, 2018-19.
Warden, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Girl's Hostel 2017-2018. Prepared all rules and regulation to govern the hostel (Student accomodation, Functioning of the mess, recruitment of office staff and establishment of the office). Prepared the Document for e-tendering to hire mess services for hostel and completed all the procedures to publish, opening, evaluate and award of tender. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College became the FIRST COLLEGE among the constituent colleges of University of Delhi to implement e-tendering process.
Convener Vivekananda Study Circle, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College. 2014 & 2015, 2017-2018, 2018-19, till date
Covener Technical Committee at Ramjas College Student Union Elections-2013.
Conducted Ramjas College Student Union Election for the years 2007 to 2013.
Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Interface between Chemistry & Environment (ICICE) held on 13-14 December 2012 at Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
Member, Organizing Committee, National Workshop on Renewable Energy & Environment(NWREE) held on 28-29 January 2011 organized by Department of Chemistry Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
Worked in Central Admission Committee of Ramjas College for the years 2010, 11 and 2012.
In charge Examination Cell at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, GGSIP University, New Delhi. 2006.
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Inorganic Chemistry; Chemistry of d & f block elements, Ag nanomaterials, Nanostructured metal oxides, Carbon nanostructures, Catalysis, Decontamination of water.
Expertise in Nanomaterials Characterization:
UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis)
Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD)
Thermogravimetry (TGA & DTA)
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)
Raman Spectroscopy
Mass Spectrometry
Subjects Taught
Chemistry of d & f block elements, Organometallic Chemistry, Structure of atom, Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of s & p block elements, Analytical chemistry, Bio-inorganic chemistry Qualitative and Quantitative analysis.
Research Guidance
Working on; Nanomaterials for Decontamination of organic pollutants from water.
Supervising Ph.D. scholars as independent supervisor from the academic session 2019-20.
UG students Supervision
Topic of Research : Carbon nanotube based magnetic nanocomposite for decontamination of organic pollutants in water. Chemistry of ancient materials in India.
Internship Programs for students
Conducted internship program sponsored by Indian Knowledge System (IKS) Division, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. 3 students of BSc Hons Chemistry worked on the project “Chemistry in India” for two months. 2021-22
Conducted internship program sponsored by Indian Knowledge System (IKS) Division, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. 8 students have worked on the project “Cu and Zn metals: Ancient texts to Artefacts” for six months. 2023-24
Publications Profile
Saurav Kumar, Ritika Kubba, Nityananda Agasti, Anitha Selvaraj, Anil Kumar, Potassium tert-butoxide promoted a direct one-pot synthesis of nitriles from aldehydes at room temperature (, J. Chem. Sci. (2024) 136:39. IF 1.7
Nityananda Agasti & Balaram Pani, Chemistry of ancient materials of iron in India, Applied Surface Science Advances, 2023, 18, 100456. IF 6.2
Soumya Prakash Biswal, J. Panda, Taponitya Samantaray, Jaykishon Swain, Narayan C. Bera, Nityananda Agasti, Viswanathan S. Saji, Rojalin Sahu, Raghabendra Samantaray, Jenny V. Lockard, Tuning the optical properties of zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks by post-synthetic modifications, Materials Letters, 2023, 346, 134497. IF 3
Urvashi Chawla, David Dahiya, Yogesh Kumar, Anu Bala, Mahaveer Genwa, Nityananda Agasti, Sanjay Tandon, Surinder P. Singh and P.L.Meena, A review on Zn-based targeted drug delivery system, Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 2024, 21, 3. IF 1
Saurav Kumar, Nityananda Agasti, Gajendra Singh, Anil Kumar, Base-Mediated N-Acetylation of Anilines/Amines: Nitriles as a Surrogate of the Acetyl Group, ChemistrySelect, 8, 2023, 1-8, IF 2.3
NityanandaAgasti, Vinay Gautam, Priyanka, Manju, Nilesh Pandey, Mahaveer Genwa, P. L. Meena, Sanjay Tandon, Raghabendra Samantaray, Carbon nanotube based magnetic composites for decontamination of organic chemical pollutants in water: A review, Applied Surface Science Advances, 10, 2022, 100270, IF 6.2
Nityananda Agasti, Decontamination of heavy metal ions from water by composites prepared from waste, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2021, 4,100088.
Nityananda Agasti, Maxwell A. Astle, Graham A. Rance, Jesum Alves Fernandes, Jairton Dupont Andrei N. Khlobystov, CeO2 nanoparticles inside carbon nanoreactors for selective allylic oxidation of cyclohexene, Nano Letters ,2020, 20, 2, 1161-1171. I.F. 10.8
Nityananda Agasti, N.K.Kaushik, Synthesis and characterization of stearic acid capped silver nanoparticles: pH dependent stabilization and colorimetric detection of Hg(II) in water, Advanced Materials Letters, Advanced Materials Letters, 2018, 9 (1), 53-57.
Nityananda Agasti, Vinay K. Singh, N.K.Kaushik, Synthesis of Water Soluble Glycine Capped Silver Nanoparticles and Their Surface Selective Interaction, Materials Research Bulletin,2015,64, 17-21, I.F. 5.4
NityanandaAgasti, N.K.Kaushik, Myristic acid capped silver nanoparticles: aqueous phase synthesis and pH-induced optical properties, Journal of the Chinese Advanced Materials Society, 2014, 2:1,31-39
Nityananda Agasti, N.K.Kaushik, One pot synthesis of crystalline silver nanoparticles, American Journal of Nanomaterilas, 2014,1, 4-7. doi: 10.12691/ajn-2-1-2
Nityananda Agasti, N.K.Kaushik, A Facile Route for Synthesis of Octyl Amine capped Silver nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanoscience, 2014, 13,3, 1450021. IF 0.8
NityanandaAgasti, N.K.Kaushik, Thiohydrazone Complexes of Organotin (IV): Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Thermal Studies, Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2004, 27(2), 81-90. IF 1.8
Book Chapters
Raghabendra Samantaray, Soujanya Ghosh, Nityananda Agasti, Metal-Organic-Framework (MOFs) based electrochemical sensors for nitrogen oxide/carbon dioxide in the Book, Metal-Organic Frameworks-based Hybrid Materials for Environmental Sensing and Monitoring, CRC Press, 2022.
Nityananda Agasti, TiO2 Nanomaterials for photocatalytic applications in the Book, Smart ceramics: preparation, properties and applications, Chapter-13, 417-446, Panstanford, Singapore, 2017.
Nityananda Agasti, Silver and Gold Nanoparticles for the Detection of Heavy Metals in Water, in the Book, Nanomaterials for Water Remediation: Inorganic Oxide Materials, Volume 2, Chapter-7, 171-188, Smithers Rapra, UK, 2016.
Journal Reviewer
Review papers of Scientific Report (Nature), Journal of Materials Chemistry A (RSC), Journal of Materials Chemistry C (RSC), International Journal of Nanoscience (WS), Chemistry Select (Wiley), Journal of Porous Materials (Springer Nature), Chemistry Letters and Analytical Letters.
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)
Ajit Kumar Dhanka, Nityananda Agasti* Ceria Based Nanomaterial for Removal of Pollutants from Water, International Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and Nanocomposites, April 1-2, 2022, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi.
Ajit Kumar Dhanka, Vinod Kumar, Nityananda Agasti* Ceria based materials for catalytic degradation of antibiotic in water, International Conference on Green Energy & Sustainable Environmental Practices (GESEP-2023), January 30-31, 2023, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
Ajit Kumar Dhanka, Nityananda Agasti*, Ceria based materials for photo catalytic degradation of antibiotic in water, National Conference on Scientific Innovation for Human Wellbeing, March 17, 2023, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.
Ajit Kumar Dhanka, Nityananda Agasti*, Ceria-Based Materials for Photocatalytic Degradation of Ciprofloxacin in Water under UV light irradiation, International Conference on Integrative Chemical Science for Health & Environment-2023, October 6-8, 2023, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Kalka ji New Delhi-110019, India.
Ajit Kumar Dhanka, Nityananda Agasti*, Fabrication of photocatalyst Cu-CeO2 for the degradation of herbicide in water under UV- light irradiation, International Conference on “Crossroads of Chemistry, Biology and Atmospheric Environment: A Modern Prospective” February 26-28, 2024, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi (North Campus), New Delhi-110019, India
Nityananda Agasti, Maxwell Astle, Graham. A. Rance, Andrei N. Khlobystov, Confinement of CeO2 nanoparticles inside hollow carbon nanostructures: a new class of one-dimensional material for catalysis, International Conference on Nanotechnology : Ideas, Innovations and Initiatives (ICN:3I-2017), 6-8 December, 2017, IIT Roorkee.
Nityananda Agasti, Facile preparation of glycine capped silver nanopartilces under ambient conditions, 5th Asia Ocenia Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (AOC-5 GSC), 15-17 January, 2015, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Awards and Distinctions
Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) -2002.
National Eligibility Test (NET)-2003.
Universitas-21 Fellowship.
Association With Professional Bodies
Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education.
Life Member of The Indian Science Congress Association.
Life Member of Indian Sociaty of Analytical Scientists Delhi Chapter.
Member International Association of Advanced Materials.
Other Activities
Planting and Caring Trees is a task that I am keen to do every year.
Playing Mridangam and Chanting Sanskrit Slokas are something very close to my heart.
Spreading messages of Swami Vivekananda among youth is something that I feel happy to do.
Assignment, Notes for Students
I have two Learning Management System (LMS) portals. My Assignments and Notes for students are available on these two portals . Only those Students who are enrolled into my courses can have access to it.
Dr. Nityananda Agasti Learning portal (for enrolled students only)
Video Lessons
For B.Sc. Hons Chemistry, B.Sc. Life Science and B.Sc. Physical Science 6th Semester and Generic students.
Molecular Orbital Theory
Chemistry of 3d Metals
Chemistry of 3d Metals Part-II
For B.Sc. Hons Chemistry 6th Semester.
Theoretical Principles of Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis of Anions, Part-I
Qualitative Analysis of Anions, Part-II
Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Sodium/Potassium (Na/K) pump
Role of Fe in dioxygen uptake and transport
How does Haemoglobin carry oxygen?